Stop Excessive Sweating Now
No More Sweat is a revolutionary new solution for excessive sweating.
It’s the No.1 answer to hyperhidrosis, or increased sweating caused by stress, menopause, prosthesis, or weight problems.
It’s safer than surgical options and milder, yet more effective than other antiperspirants. This is due to its unique and synergistic blend of active ingredients and moisturizers.
No More Sweat is a gentle, powerful, effective product that can be used with confidence by anyone, at any stage of life.
'BBT' Boobs, back, butt and thighs
BBT is ideal for heavy sweating in areas such as the back & torso. Suitable for sensitive areas that hold damp such as butt, groin & under breasts. Very effective for prosthesis wearers, athletes & areas that chaf.
Due to its composition & ease of use, No More Sweat BBT is suitable for younger children who suffer from hand or underarm sweating.
Fragrance free & gentle on sensitive skins.
BBT is designed for daily use. The skin nourishing ingredients protect the skin while preventing sweating. Can be applied in the morning or night With BBT, confidence is guaranteed!
Getta Grip For Hands & Feet
GETTA GRIP a combination of two of our most popular products, No More Sweat Hands & Feet & No More Sweat Moisturiser.
It became obvious to us over the years that many people sweat excessively on their hands. Even the mere thought of shaking a persons hand can make you feel clammy & anxious.
GETTA GRIP is ideal for both excessive or light hand sweating GETTA GRIP will stop your hands from feeling wet with a single application. This gentle cream can be used on younger children who are suffering from excessive hand sweating.Not to be confused with our “clinical” No More Sweat Hands & Feet range, GETTA GRIP is 5% active & will need to be applied daily for efficacy to be satisfactory. Can be used several times if required.
As GETTA GRIP is a smooth luxurious, it absorbs effortlessly into the skin & leaves hands feeling soft & smooth with no glaggy residue.

Hyperhidrosis And Our Daughter's Story
Many years ago, when our daughter was a little girl, we discovered that she suffered from Palmar Hyperhidrosis.
The condition of excessive sweating meant that she couldn’t keep her hands dry. It made every day a challenge and it affects over three million people in the USA and Australia alone.
My husband and I searched for answers but found that other products on the market were aggressive on her skin. They caused burning, itching, and peeling.
As an industrial chemist that worked for Johnson & Johnson, my husband had the expertise to work on a remedy. After years of development, he created a formula that was safe enough, and sensitive enough to use as long as our daughter needed to.
Since its arrival on the market over 12 years ago, No More Sweat has gained the trust of tens of thousands of people, and ships to customers around the world.
We’re passionate about this solution and offer it as an answer to anyone that experiences hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. Try it risk-free, and feel dry once more.